Redwood National Forest, 2018.
How to Become a Real Man* MoonPark Review, Satire
The Family Tree Pithead Chapel, Nonfiction
Experimentation jmww, Nonfiction
Technically Trespassing in Rejection Letters, Poetry
Burning From the Knees Down Stone of Madness Press, Nonfiction
Sometimes, Susan Rejection Letters, Fiction
July, 1944* in Ghost Parachute, Fiction
There is Something I Need to Tell You Bending Genres, Nonfiction
Father Figure Trampset, Fiction
Frostbite Riggwelter Press, Fiction
One Morning Over Coffee Reflex Press, Fiction
Plastic Dinosaurs^ The Daily Drunk Mag, Poetry
*2020 Pushcart Prize Nominee
^2021 Best of the Net Nominee